Sabtu, 19 September 2015

INDONESIA-Gorontalo Province, L.I. Boalemo Festival-Sail Tomini

INDONESIA-Gorontalo Province, L.I.
Boalemo Festival-Sail Tomini
Sept., 13 2015

“Enjoy the white send at the Love Island”

9th until 14th September is time for Boalemo Festival. I hope you’d not been missing it. Especially for you who life in Gorontalo Province or arround Boalemo Regency. Why? Cuz I promise that you’ll be double-double and triple disapoint.
Imagine gues! Here were very much people came to the festival. They were came from about 33 Province in Indonesia and 5 country in the world. Uuuuu… amazing isn’t it?. But what a pitty, it was past away since seven days ago.
But don’t worry ladies and gentlement. Cuz I’m here. If you want to go there. By this simple article I’ll tell you about how the way to the Boalemo Regency, find the most interest spot, and how many cost that you need of cours.
1.    If you arrived in Indonesia, I suggest you to take flight which landing at Hassanudin Airport in the South of Sulawesi. That’s no problem if you wanna landing in Jakarta first or Bali, maybe. But, it’ll give you a long trip to Gorontalo Province.

2.    Just take the next flight to Gorontalo Province. 
3.    When You Arrive at Gorontalo Airport, please looking for a car. You can go by on microlead (it is a car look like mini bus, much of them have blue colour). But if you wanna something more elegant, please take for the Avansa or other car whose look like a private car.

4.    Well, then just say to the driver that you wanna go to the Boalemo Regency. I’m sure that they will send you to the each terminal. Excepting if you booking them for go and back or during your trip.

5.    But lucky you, if they just send you until a terminal. Because you’ve an opportunity to try on Bentor. Bentor is a local vehicle whose much found in Gorontalo Province. Don’t forget to say that you wanna go to the Bolihutuo Beach or “Pantai Bolihutuo” in Indonesia. You can also by on our traditional transportation, that is Horse Carriage, but it’s need very long time to send you to your destination.

6.    Every spot at Bolihutuo Beach are amazing. Let’s prove it by self.

7.    Are you a couple? Just right merried or need some place for honeymoon? I suggest this romantic spot for you. It’s The Love Island or The L.I. I call it L.I, cuz it sounds cool. The Society call it “Pulau Cinta”. The L.I is located on the sea near with Tutulo Vilage. You need to go back for about 1 km from The Bolihutuo Beach. But you can also go by on speedboat from the The Bolihutuo Beach to The L.I. It’s more romantic, but absolutely need more money. Then if you love an advanture, just take start from Tutulo Vilage and you’ll go by on a jetboat (hahaha… just kidding gues, jet boat mean “a boat with jenset (machine) to make it move”, even you can oar by self. Hihihi…..

Then how about the cost…?

Relax… it’s not too expansive. The price of ticket plane I think you’ve know about it. By on car from Gorontalo Airport to The Boalemo Regency is about Rp 35.000 ($2.6). Then you must take the next transportation between car and microled, just choose each one. The cost just a litle bit different. About Rp 20.000-Rp 25.000 ($1.5-$1.9).
How lucky you if them send you over the beach. But if not or they only send you to the nearest vilage, you can go by on bentor to The Bolihutuo Beach. You need to pay about Rp 10.000-Rp 15.000 for it ($0.7-$1.15). 
You can also try our traditional transportation, that is Horse Carriage. But like I said, it absolutely need very long time.
To make sure that you arrive at the precise place. You can see the word monument of “BOLIHUTUO” in front of the entrance. 

Please look to the picture above. There is the word monumen of “BOLIHUTUO”. You can go straight or turn left. Both of those way will send you to The Bolihutuo Beach.

How about The L.I?

You can go to The L.I from The Bolihutuo Beach by on speedboat. But of cousre it more expensive than The jet boat. You’ll get jetboat if you take start from Tutulo Vilage. It’s about 1 km before Bolihutuo Beach. During The Boalemo Festival you can rental the jetboat for Rp 30.000 per person  ($2.3). It could be increas in other day. But again and again I tell you that don’t worry about the cost. It’s absolutely extended for you. But if you wanna booking a resort, I really sorry, because The L.I is during construction right now. Posibility will done at the end of this year. 
Well, if you need somebody as your guide and photographer I suggest you to contact this phone number 082345541284 (Indonesian card number). I really sorry if there is an uncorrect information. Don’t forget to visit me:
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